Solving problems in the real estate businessTime: 09:00 a.m Oct 15th, 2022
MC: Master coach An Nguyen
Location: IREA - 10th Floor Friendship tower - 31 Le Duan St., Ben Nghe W., D.1, HCMC
Working in the Real Estate business
Facing with dilemmas that have yet to be overcome
Need to find creative solutions to achieve efficiency and goals at work
Join our Coffee Talk!
Solving problems in the real estate business
We bring to you practical values
To join the real estate sales community from many companies
To share your own stories and practical difficulties for the community to analyze, evaluate, and solve
Participation fee: Free
MC: Master Coach An Nguyen – CEO of IREA
Flexible combination of knowledge and experience in the profession, the meeting promises to bring new, useful and energetic experiences, information, knowledge to all participants.